Artist statement


My art work is inspired by the view of the sky at the end of each day, which reminds me of the woman living in the same era.


When I gaze up at the shifting colors and fading light of the evening sky,  I'm struck by the ephemeral beauty of those fleeting moments.

In those twilight scenes,  I see reflections of the modern woman's multifaceted roles, emotions, and life experiences.










Mie Akatsu is a native of Japan.

She is an artist who creates oil paintings and drawings using oil pastels.


With a BFA from Miami University (OH USA) and an MFA from Joshibi University

(Kanagawa Japan), she completed her formal art education.


For a year spanning 2009 to 2010, British Columbia, Canada was her home.


Currently, she has returned to Japan where she grew up and is painting.


Her artwork is rooted in her perspective as a woman, blending her North American experiences with her current daily life in East Asia.





横浜に生まれる。米国オハイオ州のマイアミ大学芸術学部卒業(BFA)。女子美術大学大学院美術研究科修了(MFA)。2009年から2年間、カナダのブリティッシュコロンビア州ビクトリアに滞在。現在は生まれ故郷の神奈川県の海沿いに住み、油絵の具とオイルパステルを使った平面作品を制作している。近年は、CUMULUS: The Art of Meteorology, COCONINO center for the arts ( 2024年 アリゾナ州 米国)、Modern Day Monet, Hill-Stead Museum ( 2024年 コネチカット州 米国)、ふるさとの風景展 in 喜多方 ( 2021年 喜多方市美術館)等に作品を出展している。